Природное чудо света по английский

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World – Семь чудес Древнего Мира

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале опубликованы чудеса света на английском языке. Под английским текстом есть перевод на русский язык.

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza (also known as the Pyramid of Khufu or the Pyramid of Cheops) is the largest of the three pyramids in the Giza pyramid complex.

It is the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, and the only one to remain largely intact.

The Colossus of Rhodes

The Colossus of Rhodes was a statue of the Greek sun-god Helios, erected in the city of Rhodes, on the island of Rhodes, by Chares of Lindos.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

The Lighthouse of Alexandria, sometimes called the Pharos of Alexandria, was a lighthouse built during the reign of Ptolemy II Philadelphus.

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It was constructed in the 3rd century BC on the island of Pharos. For many centuries it was one of the tallest man-made structures in the world.

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus (Bodrum, Turkey), was a massive tomb built in the 4th century BC for Mausolus, the ruler of Caria.

Following a damaging earthquake, and with many elements cannibalised for the 15th century CE Bodrum Castle, the Mausoleum no longer survives.

The Temple of Artemis

Temple of Artemis was a Greek temple at Ephesus (present Turkey). The great temple was built by Croesus, king of Lydia, in the 6th century BC and was rebuilt after being burned by a madman named Herostratus in 356 BCE.

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The statue was created by the Greek sculptor Phidias in the 5th century BC. It was placed in the huge Temple of Zeus at Olympia.

The statue, almost 12 m high and plated with gold and ivory, represented the god sitting on a throne ornamented with ebony, ivory, gold, and precious stones.

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

According to legend, the Hanging Gardens were built by the Neo-Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II (who ruled between 605 and 562 BC), for his Median wife Queen Amytis, because she missed the green hills and valleys of her homeland.

The construction of the Hanging Gardens has also been attributed to the legendary queen Semiramis, who supposedly ruled Babylon in the 9th century BC, and they have been called the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis as an alternate name.



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The Seven Wonders of Russia

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world. The Seven Wonders of Russia are seven of the “coolest” places in Russia, determined by a project organized by the newspaper Izvestia, Radio Mayak, and the television channel Russia.

1. Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal (Russian: озеро Байкал) is the world’s oldest and deepest lake. It is 25 million years old (possibly older) and averages 2,442 ft deep!

It is located in southern Siberia, in between Irkutsk Oblast to the northwest and the Buryat Republic to the southeast. It is the most voluminous freshwater lake in the world, containing roughly 20% of the world’s unfrozen surface fresh water.

Location of Lake Baikal in Russia.

2. Valley of Geysers

The Valley of Geysers (Russian: долина гейзеров) is a geyser field on Kamchatka Peninsula in Russia’s Far East. There are approximately ninety geysers and many hot springs situated in this six-kilometer long basin!

3. Mamayev Kurgan

Mamayev Kurgan (Russian: Мамаев Курган) is a dominant height overlooking the city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) in Southern Russia.

The original Mamayev Kurgan was a Tartar burial mound 102 meters high. The current formation is dominated by a memorial complex commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad (August 1942 – February 1943).

The battle was a decisive Soviet victory over Axis forces on the Eastern Front of World War II, and arguably the bloodiest battle in human history.

At the time of its installation in 1967, the statue named “The Motherland Calls” was the largest free-standing sculpture in the world.

4. Peterhof

The Peterhof Palace (Russian: Петергоф) is a series of palaces and gardens located in Saint Petersburg, Russia, laid out on the orders of Peter the Great.

These palaces and gardens are sometimes referred to as the “Russian Versailles.”

The palace-ensemble, along with the city center, is recognized as a UNESCO World Herigate site.

5. Saint Basil’s Cathedral

Saint Basil’s Cathedral (Russian: Собор Василия Блаженного) is a Russian Orthodox church erected on Red Square in Moscow in 1555-1561 on orders from Ivan the Terrible. It commemorates the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan.

St. Basil’s marks the geometric center of Moscow. It has been the hub of the city’s growth since the 14th century, and was the city’s tallest building until the completion of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in 1600.

As a part of the program of state atheism, the church was confiscated from the Russian Orthodox community and has operated as a division of the State Historical Museum since 1928. It was completely and forcefully secularized in 1929, and as of today, remains a federal property of the Russian Federation.

The church has been a part of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.

6. Manpupuner rock formations

The Manpupuner rock formations (Russian: Маньпупунёр) are a set of seven gigantic abnormally shaped stone pillars located north of the Ural mountains in the Troitsko-Pechorsky District of the Komi Republic. These monoliths are around 30 to 42 meters high and jut out of a hilly plateau formed through the weathering effects of ice and wind.

According to a local legend, the stone pillars were once an entourage of Samoyed giants walking through the mountains to Siberia in order to destroy the Vogulsky people. However, upon seeing the holy Vogulsky mountains, the shaman of the giants dropped his drum and the entire team froze into the stone pillars.

The Manpupuner rock formations are a very popular attraction in Russia, but not well known internationally, and thus unspoiled by tourism.

7. Mount Elbrus

Mount Elbrus (Russian: Эльбрус) is a dormant volcano located in the western Caucasus mountain range, in Kabardino-Balkaria and Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia, near the border of Georgia.

Mount Elbrus’s peak is the highest in the Caucasus, in Russia. While there are differing authorities on how the Caucasus are distributed between Europe and Asia, many sources agree that that Mt. Elbrus is also the highest mountain in all of Europe, or the highest in western Asia.

Mount Elbrus’s west summit stands at 18,510 feet tall. The east summit is slightly lower at 18,442 feet.

In the Circassian language, Mount Elbrus is named ‘Iуашъхьэмафэ‘, which means the “mount of happiness” or the “blessed mountain.” In Karachay-Balkar its name is ‘Минги-Тау‘, which means “eternal mountain” or “Thousand mountain.”

Simply beautiful! Красивый.



1 чудо света

См. также в других словарях:

чудо света — ЧУДО, а, ср (или чудо в перьях, чудо из кунсткамеры, чудо мавзолейное, чудо юдо, чудо света и т. п.). Шутл. обращение. Эй ты, чудо, иди сюда … Словарь русского арго

Чудо света — Семь чудес света. Слева направо, сверху вниз: Пирамида Хеопса Висячие сады Семирамиды Храм Артемиды в Эфесе Статуя Зевса в Олимпии Мавзолей в Галикарнасе Колосс Родосский Александрийский маяк Стены Вавилона Семь чудес света (или Семь чудес света… … Википедия

Восьмое чудо света — Восьмое чудо света: Город Петра в Иордании Содержание 1 Кинематограф 2 Компьютерные игры 3 Архитектура и техника … Википедия

восьмое чудо света — диво дивное, игра природы, феномен, чудо, чудо чудное, чудо природы, феникс, невидаль, диковина, невидальщина, диво Словарь русских синонимов. восьмое чудо света сущ., кол во синонимов: 11 • диво (18) • … Словарь синонимов

Восьмое (осьмое) чудо света — Разг. Ирон. О ком либо или о чём либо странном, причудливом. В каждое дело загадочный Смит вносил невиданный размах. Сад на глазах потрясённых лондонцев стал превращаться в восьмое чудо света, оркестр был собран самый большой в Англии, а для… … Фразеологический словарь русского литературного языка

Восьмое чудо света — см. Семь чудес света. Энциклопедический словарь крылатых слов и выражений. М.: «Локид Пресс». Вадим Серов. 2003 … Словарь крылатых слов и выражений

ВОСЬМОЕ ЧУДО СВЕТА — «ВОСЬМОЕ ЧУДО СВЕТА (Спортивная фантазия)», СССР, Мосфильм, 1981, цв., 85 мин. Спортивная фантазия. На некий остров, судя по всему греческий, приезжают советские баскетболистки с тем, чтобы увезти с собой кубок Геры. Но, помимо участия в… … Энциклопедия кино

осьмое чудо света — (иноск.) об особенно замечательном (намек на семь чудес света) Ср. Схвативши верхушки кой каких знаний, мы считаем унижением для собственного достоинства делать какие нибудь обыкновенные вещи, которые делают люди заурядные, и хотим создать… … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона

Осьмое чудо света — Осьмое чудо свѣта (иноск.) объ особенно замѣчательномъ (намекъ на семь чудесъ свѣта). Ср. Схвативши верхушки кой какихъ знаній, мы считаемъ униженіемъ для собственнаго достоинства дѣлать какія нибудь обыкновенныя вещи, которыя дѣлаютъ люди… … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

восьмое чудо света — о чем либо необычном, удивительном, выдающемся. В древности люди насчитывали лишь семь чудес света, которые так прочно вошли в сознание людей, что всякое новое замечательное достижение называется восьмым чудом света … Справочник по фразеологии

Восьмое чудо света — Разг. часто Ирон. О чём л. необычном, удивительном, выдающемся. БМС 1998, 629; БМШ 2000, 400 … Большой словарь русских поговорок


чудо природы

1 чудо природы

См. также в других словарях:

чудо природы — сущ., кол во синонимов: 13 • восьмое чудо света (11) • диво (18) • диво дивное (11) … Словарь синонимов

Чудо природы — 1) о странном явлении; 2) о странном ч ке … Живая речь. Словарь разговорных выражений

чудо — феномен, чудо природы, экстра класс, изумительный, диво, редкость, игра природы, красота, нет слов, золото, выше всяких похвал, невидальщина, диковинка, невидаль, восьмое чудо света, диво дивное, умереть и не встать, чудеса, прелесть, диковина,… … Словарь синонимов

чудо чудное — См … Словарь синонимов

чудо — а, мн. чудеса/, чуде/с, с. 1) В религиозных представлениях: сверхъестественное явление, вызванное вмешательством божественной силы, происходящее по воле Бога. Евангелие рассказывает о чудесах Иисуса Христа. Он молился о ниспослании чуда: о… … Популярный словарь русского языка

чудо — сущ., с., употр. часто Морфология: (нет) чего? чуда, чему? чуду, (вижу) что? чудо, чем? чудом, о чём? о чуде; мн. что? чудеса, (нет) чего? чудес, чему? чудесам, (вижу) что? чудеса, чем? чудесами, о чём? о чудесах 1. По религиозным представлениям… … Толковый словарь Дмитриева

ЧУДО — (лат. miraculum) необычное событие, которое трудно объяснить, противоречащее естественному ходу вещей и приписываемое верующими людьми вмешательству сверхъестественных сил (Бога). Согласно взглядам католич. церкви, чудо не нарушает целостности… … Философская энциклопедия

ЧУДО — ср. всякое явленье, кое мы не умеем объяснить, по известным нам законам природы. Богу все чудеса доступны. Христос являл чудеса, исцелял чудесами. | Диво, необычайная вещь или явленье, случай; нежданная и противная предвидимой возможности, едва… … Толковый словарь Даля

ЧУДО — чуда, мн. чудеса, чудес и (простореч. редко) чуда, чуд, ср. 1. В религиозных и мифологических представлениях явление, противоречащее законам природы и не объяснимое ими, но возможное вследствие вмешательства потусторонней силы. «В чудеса теперь,… … Толковый словарь Ушакова

Чудо — (греч., лат. miraculum) в мировоззрении теизма снятие волей всемогущего Бога Творца положенных этой же волей законов природы, зримо выявляющее для человека стоящую за миром вещей власть Творца над творением. Теистическая концепция Ч. как победы… … Энциклопедия культурологии

Чудо — Проверить нейтральность. На странице обсуждения должны быть подробности … Википедия


7 чудес света
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The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Урок -презентация

The map of the Seven Wonders

T he Pyramids belong to the 7 wonders because of the way they were made. Th e tradition of building the pyramids started in ancient Egypt. The Pyramids are one of the oldest structures that are still on the earth. Each block weighs as much as 5 elephants . And most of the Pyramids are 450 feet high! The Pyramids of Giza are made for the dead because ancient people thought that the people that died w ould go to another life and if they g av e them all of their important things the dead would help them and save them . The Pyramids are very big triangular shaped structures that have four flat sides that come together at the tip of the Pyramid. The Pyramids were used for the Kings tombs ( Phar a o n s are the same thing s as kings ). The Pyramids of Giza

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were a pyramid of brick and earth rising 5 levels high (3rd tallest of the Seven Wonders ). It had terraces raised one above the other, resting upon cube-shaped pillars. Almost the whole structure was hollow ( пустой; полый ) so even the biggest trees could be planted inside . It was built for King Nebuchadnezzar II’s wife , who missed the green of her homeland, Persia. [ nebju ׃ kəd´nezə(r) ]- Nebuchadnezzar [ ´ pə: ∫ ə ] — Persia The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

История: Вавилонский царь Навуходоносор II (605 — 562 г. до н. э.) для борьбы против главного врага — Ассирии, чьи войска дважды разрушали столицу государства Вавилон, заключил военный союз с царем Мидии , который был упрочен женитьбой Навуходоносора II на дочери мидийского царя Семирамиде. В архитектурном плане Висячие Сады представляли собой пирамиду, состоявшую из четырех ярусов — платформ, их поддерживали колонны высотой до 25 м. Чтобы предотвратить просачивание поливной воды, поверхность каждой платформы сначала покрывали слоем тростника, смешанного с асфальтом, затем двумя слоями кирпича, скрепленного гипсовым раствором, поверх всего укладывались свинцовые плиты. На них толстым ковром лежала плодородная земля, куда были высажены семена различных трав, цветов, кустарников, деревьев. Пирамида напоминала вечно цветущий зеленый холм. В полости одной из колонн помещались трубы, по ним вода из Евфрата, насосами день и ночь подавалась на верхний ярус садов, откуда она, стекая ручейками и небольшими водопадами, орошала растения нижних ярусов. Чудом казались журчание воды, тень и прохлада среди деревьев, вывезенных из далекой Мидии.

The third wonder of the world was The Temple of Artemis , located on the river Ephesus. (in present-day Turkey ) . It was made for the goddess Artemis . Artemis, also known as Diana, was the goddess of wild nature and hunting . The temple was famous for its use of marble and for its size . People said this temple was built by an architect named Theodorus (500 BC), however, it was rebuilt many times. It contained 107 columns which were 12 m high and were made of marble. The Temple of Artemis The Temple of Artemis was gigantic. In fact, it was one of the largest temples the Greeks ever built .

The Temple of Zeus was finished around 456 BC in Olympia, Greece. The statue of Zeus at Olympia was built by the famous Greek sculptor Phidias in 435 B.C. The statue was built in honor of Greek god Zeus for the Olympic games. This amazing structure was mostly made of ivory and gold, along with other valuable stones, such as ebony. The statue was 40 feet tall! Unfortunately, it was destroyed in a fire and little remains are available to see today. The Temple of Zeus The Statue of Zeus was the most famous statue of ancient times .

The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was located on the Aegean sea in the city of Bodrum. The mausoleum was made in 350 B.C. The height of the m ausoleum was 45m (140 ft). The structure of the mausoleum was n’t really beautiful but the decorations were what br ought the b ea uaty. It had statues of people, lions, horses,and other animals. On the top of the roof was a statue of a chariot pulled by four horses. T he mausoleum is special because it isn’t dedicated to the Greek Gods. The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus The mausoleum is a tomb for a king. For 16 centuries it stayed in perfect condition until a n earthquake damaged the roof and colonnades.

There was a ruler , Hecatomnus , who was the father of a son and daughter. Mausolus , the son, and Artemisia , the daughter became husband and wife. Hecatomnus died, leaving Mausolus and Artemisia as the next rulers. In 353 BC Mausolus died. Queen Artemisia built a great tomb to show her love. The tomb was so great because of its size and decorations that future tombs where named Mausoleums after King Mausolus. The legend says : In 377 BC, the city of Halicarnassus was off the coast of Asia Minor (southwestern Turkey).

Collosus of Rhodes was built on a small island on the Aegean Se a a round 200 B.C . This was not just any statue , it was the statue of Helios , the sun god of Rhodes. The C olossus was 120 feet tall (that’s almost as tall as the S tatue of L iberty). It took 12 years to build the Colossu s. The statue of Helios was made of bronze and had iron bars inside, to support it and was hollow on the inside . The C olossus look ed just like a bronze man, and he st ood over the entrance of the harbor in Rhodes. The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed by an earthquake in 224B.C . Collosus of Rhodes

The seventh and last wonder of the world was The Pharos Lighthouse or The Lighthouse of Alexandria , in Egypt . This monument was 384 feet tall , was made of marble , and contained a mirror , which reflected the sun and could be viewed up to 35 miles away. At night a beacon of fire ( сигнальный огонь ) was used to light the tower instead. Upon the very top of this tower, there was a statue of Poseidon . Sadly, the lighthouse was destroyed after a series of disastrous earthquakes ; it was the last wonder to disappear. The Pharos Lighthouse or The Lighthouse of Alexandria

Remember please the countries where the Seven Wonders were built

Which of the Ancient Wonders is the oldest? a.) The Lighthouse of Alexandria b.) The Pyramids of Giza c.) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon 2 .Why were the Great Pyramids built? a.) For the god Athena b.) In honor of the gods c.) For the pharaoh Khufu What can you tell us about this construction?

3 . What present-day country is Babylon in? a) Iran b ) Kuwait c ) Iraq 4. Who were the Hanging Gardens built for? a) for King Nebuchadnezzar II b) for King Nebuchadnezzar II’s wife c) for Hecatomnus 5. Who built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? a) Queen Victoria b) King Nebuchadnezzar II c) Michaelangelo

7 . What was the temple of Artemis used for ? a.) A marketplace and religious center b.) A supermarket c.) A school for scribes 6 . Whe re was the temple of Artemis locat ed? a.) in present-day Turkey b.) in present-day Iraq c.) in present-day Pakistan

8. Who were the people mainly in charge of the building of the Tomb of King Mausollus? a.) Mausollus b.) Artemisia and Mausollus’ wife c.) Alexander the Great 9 . Who was buried under the Mausoleum ? a) King Maussollos b) King Henry IV c) King Nebuchadnezzar II

1 0 .When did Phidias build the Statue of Zeus? a.) 564 AD b.) 765 BC c.) 470 BC 1 1 . About how tall is the Statue of Zeus? a.) 40 feet b.) 40 meters c.) 12 feet 12 . Which of the six wonders destroyed was the last to disappear? a.) Statue of Zeus b.) Lighthouse of Alexandria c.) Hanging Gardens of Babylon

13 . How many years did it take to build the Colossus of Rhodes? a.) 16 years b.) 5 years c.) 12 years 14 . In what year did a strong earthquake damage the Colossus of Rhodes? a.) 226 BC b.) 429 AD c.) 189 BC

15 .) How was the Lighthouse of Alexandria eventually destroyed? a) fire b) earthquake c) Dynamite 1 6.) What small island gave the city of Alexandria a double Harbor? a.) Rabbit Island b.) Rhodes c.) Pharos

Matching Directions: Identify the location of each of the Seven Wonders by matching the letter of the column on the left to the correct number on the column on the right. a) Mausoleum b) Lighthouse c) Zeus d) Pyramid e) Colossus f) Gardens g) Artemis 1) Giza 2) Babylon 3) Halicarnassus 4) Euphesus 5) Olympia 6) Alexandria 7) Rhodes

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По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

Материал представляет собой наглядную презентацию расположения семи чудес света.

СЕМЬ ЧУДЕС СВЕТА, (лат. septemmiraculamundi) — самые знаменитые памятники древнего мира — египетские пирамиды в Эль-Гизе, Висячие сады Семир.

Материал представляет собой методическую разработку для проведения обобщающего урока МХК по теме «Семь чудес света: вариации прекрасного» в 7 классе гуманитарного профиля.

Игра-путешествие по семи чудесам света.

Материал для урока ИЗО или внеклассного занятия. В работе использованы две презентации, которые можно применять отдельно. Одна представляет наглядно объекты, другая несет информацию.

Цель:- Развитие культурного и эстетического интереса у учащихся, расширение их представлений о культуре Древнего Мира. — Создание атмосферы «Путешествие по чудесам света».Задачи: — Раз.

Методическая разработка урока истории в 5 классе.


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